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Dal 1954, l'iF Design Award è considerato giudice indiscusso della qualità delle eccellenze nel campo del design ed è uno dei premi più prestigiosi al mondo.


Il recente successo ottenuto dai nostri prodotti in questa competizione internazionale conferma la qualità dei nostri componenti per il riscaldamento e il raffrescamento radiante. Un successo che premia il costante impegno nella progettazione avanzata e che mira a semplificare e ottimizzare il lavoro degli installatori, fornendo soluzioni pratiche e intuitive. Primario è anche l'obiettivo di massimizzare le performance e l'efficienza dei sistemi di riscaldamento e raffrescamento radiante, garantendo un funzionamento ottimale sempre.


I nostri raccordi Click&Safe sono infatti progettati per facilitare la connessione delle linee di mandata e ritorno dei pannelli radianti, consentendo un flusso efficiente di acqua calda/fredda. Grazie al design intelligente, l'installazione è rapida e sicura: è sufficiente applicare una leggera pressione manuale e fissare meccanicamente tramite apposite clip. SCOPRI DI PIÙ


Il collettore modulare SL è invece pensato per gestire la distribuzione dell'acqua nei sistemi radianti di riscaldamento e raffrescamento. Il sistema Screw&Lock e la sua struttura modulare e personalizzabile consentono una facile espansione e assemblaggio, offrendo la massima praticità in fase di installazione, senza bisogno di attrezzi speciali. SCOPRI DI PIÙ


Questo riconoscimento ci riempie di orgoglio e conferma un impegno che abbraccia ogni dettaglio della nostra produzione di soluzioni innovative e di alta qualità nel settore del riscaldamento e del raffrescamento radiante.




Nasce l’accademia della sostenibilità! Costruiamo il futuro del comfort sostenibile indoor.


Ogni mese organizzeremo un webinar dedicato a questi temi e parallelamente illustreremo l’impegno concreto di E-Group (Eurotherm ed Enetec) per un progresso sostenibile che coinvolga le persone e il territorio.


Enetec ISH 2023

Enetec confirms its participation to ISH 2023, the world’s leading trade fair for heating, water, HVAC and energy, taking place in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) from 13nd to 17th of March 2023. 


We invite you to visit us in Hall 6.0 / Stand B71, presenting our OEM radiant systems solutions: pipes, insulations, manifolds, ceiling boards and smart regulation products.


We look forward to welcoming you soon in Frankfurt.




ENETEC Italy has become a Benefit Company

Green news, good news!


On 1st January 2023, Enetec Italy became a Benefit Corporation, an important milestone achieved with the precious collaboration of NATIVA.


Our company now also exists to make a positive impact on society and the biosphere. Also our long-term mission evolves and its project will be the creation of shared value, for people and for the environment. The Benefit Company is in fact a corporate form characterised by a triple purpose: responsibility, sustainability and transparency.



  • The articles of association have been officially amended and are no longer limited to expressing only profit objectives, but also all purposes of common benefit

  • Sustainability becomes an integral part of our business model and our cultural model

  • We take responsibility for creating long-term sustainable value for all stakeholders

  • We are committed to transparency: every year, we will take stock of the progress we have made and the milestones we have yet to reach.



In the long term, we are committed to three macro goals:


  • Promoting the well-being and growth of our people, through training and development, offering a fruitful, proactive and cohesive working environment, always taking their health and safety into account

  • Promote sustainable lifestyles among customers through innovative products, investing in research and development

  • Caring for and caring for the environment in which we live through the implementation of policies aimed at reducing emissions, waste, consumption and waste, as well as their proper disposal; and by choosing sourcing from renewable sources.



A journey we are passionate about, a commitment that will add value to our work!

Group NewAir


A study published in 2001 by researchers from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab showed that people spend an average of 87% of their time inside buildings, and about 69% at home. These numbers show high importance of talking about the quality of indoor environments in modern society. Hence, it is essential to "raise the bar" of well-being inside buildings, pushing towards innovative ventilation methods based on air quality measurements, and on new control logics that preserve energy savings while improving the quality of indoor environments.

The general aim of NEW-AIR project is to systemize companies and research institutions operating in the field of quality and control of the built environment in order to define new approaches and technologies that improve the healthiness of indoor environments and thermal comfort by reducing energy consumption. The project objectives are:


  1. To better understand the building-user interaction, and improve it

  2. To improve indoor air quality starting from the removal of indoor pollutants

  3. To study new control and design strategies for the aeraulic system

  4. To promote natural ventilation and mixed mode in residential buildings

  5. To ensure the highest levels of indoor air quality while reducing energy consumption

  6. To define a home IEQ monitoring and control system

The themes proposed by this project respond to the need (highlighted by the Free University of Bolzano) for giving more space to areas of research and innovation in which it is needed to build the necessary critical mass. In particular, the proposed themes fall within the sector of provincial specialization called "Energy and Environment", and the project aims to deliver the following results:


  1. New IEQ (Indoor Environmental Quality) monitoring system

  2. Categorization of the major indoor pollution sources, and dissemination at the provincial level

  3. Development of a system for controlled natural ventilation

  4. New machine and new strategies for residential mechanical ventilation (VMC)

  5. ​Control system capable of coordinating different systems and guiding the user: the residential "building management system" (BMS)


New-Air is a 3-year project which started in March 2019 and received 515,008.88 € funding.


Integration von Sensortechnik und BIM


sensorBIM im interreg Forschungsprogramm Italien - Österreich ITAT1083 integriert dasim cryptolink entwickelte Funksystem mit hoher Reichweite und ohne Batterie mit BIM-Modellen, Simulation und Haustechniksteuerung - ökonomisch rentabel und ökologisch nachhaltig.


"Die Einstufung des Projektes sieht voraus, die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit zwischen Unternehmen und Forschungsinstituten zu stärken und gleichzeitig die Innovationsbasis für Unternehmen zu verbessern. Fokus ist auf das System „Gebäude“, durch die Entwicklung einer integrierten Hardware und Software für Gebäudefassaden und Anlagen zur Errichtung und zum Management von nachhaltigen Gebäuden.


Das Projekt befasst sich mit einer der wichtigsten technologischen Herausforderungen für die Bauindustrie, und zwar das intelligente Management von Energieeffizienz und Gebäudekomfort. Die Gebäudeplanung und -betrieb sollen, durch die Anwendung von Building Information Modeling und die Nutzung von RFID-Sensoren, für den gesamten Lebenszyklus optimiert werden.


Ziel des Projektes ist, einerseits, die Entwicklung einer integrierten Plattform, die die Grenzen aktueller Lösungen überschreitet (mangelhafte System-Interoperabilität, Schwierigkeiten bei der Anwendung auf bestehende Gebäude) und für KMU übernommen werden kann oder als Referenz dienen kann. Nämlich spielen die KMU im Programmgebiet eine wichtige Rolle.


Anderseits zielt das Projekt darauf ab, Fassadensysteme mit intelligenten Regulierung und neue an Sensoren mit RFID-Technik angeschlossene Systeme zur Anlagensteuerung zu gestalten. Diese Systeme werden eine drastische Reduzierung des realen Energieverbrauchs von Gebäuden und eine Verbesserung der Effizienz, der Wartungsarbeiten und der Inspektion der Elemente ermöglichen."

News Benefit Company
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